A rather unpleasant moose sends photographer backpedaling

A fun story from today’s photo trip… Went to Brainard Lake in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado in search of #moose . Spotted a big bull on the opposite side of Long Lake so my friend, Ed, and I took off cross country.

I ended up a good ways ahead when I first spotted this big guy. I point my camera at him and take a couple shots (pretty dark lighting as it was early and overcast). He whips his head around and looks right at me. Uh oh.

The bull starts walking toward me quite purposefully, clearly not appreciating having his picture taken. I snap two more pictures (this is one of them) and I start backpedaling quickly, heading through a stand of thick trees and out the other side – figured he wouldn’t be able to maneuver in there.

I wait and see no sign of the big guy so I circle the trees and see him again. Start to take a picture and he spots me and starts coming toward me again. Yikes!

At this point I figure I am done with this guy so I head off quickly, meet up with Ed, and tell him we need to back off immediately. We move back some and wait and were able to finally get some good, non-hurried pics of him.

However, I have to say, this is the first time I have ever found myself truly startled by a wildlife encounter. I was pretty danged nervous!

And, just to be clear, I was NOT overly close to the moose. This image is taken at the equivalent of 640mm (those of you into photography know that is a big lens with a long reach). I would guestimate he was initially 40 to 50 yard away.

Clearly though, he just did not want any company – at least not mine. Lots of fun but definitely attention getting.

A very serious Moose bull appears to be less than thrilled to have its picture taken at Long Lake, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A very serious Moose bull appears to be less than thrilled to have its picture taken at Long Lake, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)


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