Another set of images from the ‘hotspot’ in northeastern Colorado I have been spending time at the last couple of weekends.

As the Bald Eagles in this area aren’t used to people, they can be quite skittish. Instead of trying to follow them all over the place, I decided I would try letting them come to me. I staked out a spot among a bunch of trees that they seemed to favor and waited, camera at the ready. As you can tell, it worked quite well.

This particular adult had just snagged a fish from the lake and flew into a tree nearby giving me some nice shots of it carrying its meal. I then did my best stealth approach to where it landed and got some decent pics of it chowing down. The tree was quite dense so there was a lot of branches between it and I but it was a lot of fun to witness.

Scroll down to view the complete sequence.

A Bald Eagle tries to find a place to eat its breakfast in Morgan County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle tries to find a place to eat its breakfast in Morgan County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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