Fox kits make for the cutest wildlife encounter

I don’t think I have ever had a cuter wildlife subject for any of my pictures than the ones I had yesterday evening. My friend, Patrick, texted me to let me know his neighborhood Red Fox kits were out and about so I of course raced out the door to go see.

Sure enough, there were five of the little fuzz balls romping around in a suburban neighborhood front yard. The encounter was fleeting as the sun had already started to disappear down the horizon and light was minimal.

The dim lighting meant slow shutter speeds and high ISOs and thus grainy pictures but, nevertheless, I am absolutely ecstatic to have been able to witness the little ones!

A Red Fox kit looks to be quite curious in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Fox kit looks to be quite curious in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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