Freedom’s portrait

Freedom’s portrait
Closeup of a bald eagle (captive). (© Tony’s Takes)

The American bald eagle. Most followers of this page know of my affinity for these raptors. Indeed, my quest in the past for them has in many ways driven my passion for photography.

I am always looking for them, savoring each and every moment with them. That passion for them is driven in part due to simply just how impressive of a creature they are but also, certainly, due to patriotism.

In my mind, I can think of no more fitting creature for our national emblem. From the birth of the United States of America, the bald eagle has symbolized this nation and its people – free, proud, majestic, ambitious, optimistic and certainly, ferocious.

Yes, we have our issues and in recent years I fear we have lost sight of the words that often accompany imagery of this emblem, “E pluribus unum” (out of many, one). Maybe we all need to step back, think about our emblem, and more importantly, think about our national motto and what those words mean.

Image: A 22-year-old captive bald eagle recently photographed at an event with @HawkQuest .

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