Golden Eagle makes unusual appearance on the plains

It isn’t too often you find these gorgeous birds out on the plains and I have only seen them a handful of times at all. This past weekend though, good fortune struck not once, but twice.

I initially got pictures of one on Saturday but the lighting was poor leading to disappointing images. Yesterday I returned to the same area and with gorgeous, clear blue skies got some great pics. I could not be happier and truly appreciate my friend, Bill, telling me he had spotted it.

Here in Colorado, Golden Eagles are more likely to be found in the foothills and mountains than on the plains. They are very large birds with wingspans over 6 feet across and very fast and maneuverable having been clocked at nearly 200mph in a dive!

Images taken in Adams County, Colorado.  Scroll down to view the complete gallery.

A Golden Eagle takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Golden Eagle takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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