Great horned owl displays a scowl, showcases its talons

Great horned owl displays a scowl, showcases its talons
A very serious looking great horned owl in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Yeah, yet another example of the looks I get from wildlife. Not sure why I generate that response so often. 😉 

I had a fun encounter with this handsome owl this past weekend. I initially spotted it from a good ways away in a stand of trees with backlighting helping to pick it out of the mess of branches. I worked my way around to the other side of the stand of trees, and was able to find a nice, open spot from which to get a clear view of the raptor – a rarity with owls.

Best of all, in addition to the great look it gave me, it was sitting in such a fashion as to really show off those impressive talons. Yeah, those could do some damage! Most often you think of owls as being “cute” but make no mistake, they are predators and have the tools to deal with prey quickly.

As the sun was rising and I knew the owl needed its rest, I headed off, thanking it for its time and leaving it in peace.

Closeup look at the talons of a great horned owl. (© Tony's Takes)
Closeup look at the talons of a great horned owl. (© Tony’s Takes)

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