Prowling Coyote checks on the photographer

I saw this pretty lady and her mate on the prowl at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado a few weeks ago. As they disappeared into some thick brush and trees, I ran around the other side anticipating them emerging. They did indeed pop out pretty much where I expected although I don’t think they were too thrilled to have been tailed. 😉 He headed right back into the brush and while she came out enough to at least give me a view, she soon did the same.

Coyotes are amazingly adaptable animals and have not been greatly impacted by human expansion. Here in the area I live, this has resulted in some human – coyote conflicts, mainly with the coyotes attacking domestic pets. They range across North America and some have even been seen into Central America and Panama.

A Coyote pauses to check out the photographer at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote pauses to check out the photographer at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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